Help and FAQ

SugarDaddySwiss is the premier Swiss sugar daddy website with a free mobile app. Join us to indulge in luxury dating with hundreds of thousands of Swiss users!



How Do I Use This Site?
When you first join our site, you are a standard member. This allows you to create a profile, add public and private photos, search for people by country / state, like and send winks! You're also able to respond to messages initiated by PREMIUM MEMBERS!
Should you decide to become a PREMIUM MEMBER, you'll be able to access all services without any limitations:
Initiate sending messages / chatting online
Photo / Profile security options
Search for people with Filters.
You can upgrade to premium now! To upgrade your standard membership to PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP, please click "UPGRADE" in the top right bar after logging in.

I Forgot My Password. Can You Tell Me What It Is?
No problem! Just click Forgot Password at the login screen and enter your registered email address. We'll send you a password reset link to your registered email address, usually within a few minutes. If you don't receive it, please make sure to check your spam / junk folder. This link will expire within 24 hours.

Help! I'm Having Login Problems
If you are receiving an error message when you attempt to sign in, it usually means your email address and password combination are invalid. Try to enter the correct info again manually. If that doesn't work, click here to enter your registered email address and we'll send you a password reset email. We take security very seriously on Unfortunately, that means sometimes members are mistakenly blocked or suspended. If you think a mistake has been made on our part, please contact us immediately so we can take a look.

How Do I Reactivate My Account?
Log on to the site using your email address and password. Click on the "Reactivate" button. Your account will then be reactivated! Keep in mind that all reactivated profiles will be reviewed and approved by customer service before being posted. If you have any problems,  please email us at:

How Do I Change My Password Or Email Address?
To change your password or email address, please click on 'SETTINGS' under your main photo icon on the upper right corner of the top bar, then 'My Account'.

How Do I Change My Username?
To change your username, simply click the "My Profile" icon on the top right navigation bar to reach your profile. Click the pencil icon next to your name displayed beneath your main photo. Please note that only PREMIUM MEMBERS can change their username.

How Do I Post A Photo?
Option 1: To upload a photo directly from your computer, simply click the "Profile" icon on the top right navigation bar to reach your profile, hit the "Add photos" button.
Option 2: Sign in to Click on "UPLOAD PHOTO" in the "ADD MOMENTS" below "latest activities" to choose the photo you'd like to add.
Option 3: Email your photos to us. Here's how:
Attach the picture and email us. Please ensure your photo is larger than 200*200 pixels and less than 50MB in gif, jpg (Jpeg), PNG format. No photos containing identifiable information, or that are nude, pornographic, obscene, or offensive. Copyrighted photos, photos with or of children, and anything against our Service Agreement will be rejected. Photos will be uploaded to your profile within 24 hours.
Option 4: Snap a photo with your smartphone and upload it via our app. You can download our app first so you can upload your photos directly.

How Long Will It Take For My Photos To Show On My Profile?
Normal approval time for photos / profiles is within 24 hours, however under certain circumstances, this process may take up to 48 hours.
Our staff must approve each photo to maintain the quality of matches available.

I'm Following All The Guidelines And Still Having Trouble Posting Photos. Any Suggestions?
Please review the following photo uploading requirements and re-submit your photos for approval:
  • Use only GIF, JPG (JPEG), and PNG files. Photos should be larger than 330*440 pixels and less than 50MB in file size.
  • No photos containing identifiable information, or that are nude, pornographic, obscene, or offensive. Copyrighted photos, photos of children and anything against our Service Agreement will also be rejected.
  • No personal information (ie: license plates, email or web adIf any billing problems arise, pleasdresses, visible street address numbers, etc.). No contact information.
  • You must appear in your main photo.
  • Your photos will be reviewed. Inappropriate photos will be deleted.
Note: If you are experiencing problems when uploading photos, contact us for help.

Tips On Picking Your Primary Photo
The Do's for Primary Photos:
What's a primary photo, you ask? This is the photo that appears on every page of your profile, and a smaller version shows up when other members search for matches. In other words, this photo is how other members of the community get to know you. So, make a great impression with these tips:
  • DO use a recent photo. Within the last six months is best.
  • DO make it a photo of just you. It's your moment in the spotlight!
  • DO keep it up-close and personal. Most people like to use a good headshot or head and shoulders.
  • DO have it look like you. Use an image of what you look in daily life, not all dressed up.
  • DO smile. Our members find a smile to be the most appealing.
  • DO crop out the "white space" around the photo. Otherwise, your photo will appear smaller and the file size will be increased.
  • DO put your best face forward. A clear shot of your face which is not obscured will be more attractive.
The Don'ts for Primary Photos:
  • DON'T wear sunglasses or a hat. They obscure the real you. Ditto for other distracting head gear or accessories.
  • DON'T use a dark or blurry photo. It won't reflect what you really look like and it signals that you don't care about your photo.
  • DON'T submit that red-eye shot. Even if it's one of your favorites, the sci-fi red-eye effect is a deal-breaker - trust us!
  • DON'T let the background grab all the attention. Keep the backdrop of your primary photo simple.
  • DON'T show too much skin. Photos that are too racy won't be posted.
  • DON'T wear a busy pattern. In a small photo, a busy pattern can be distracting and unflattering.
  • DON'T cut people out of photos. Chances are, it just won't look right. Find another image you like instead.
  • DON'T use images of celebrities. Or copyrighted material, like an image of your favorite cartoon character.

What's The "Private Album" All About? What's The Difference Between Public And Private Photos?
The Private Album is a feature that allows you to share photos privately with whomever you grant access to.
Public photos are open to all members unless you change the privacy settings. Private photos are only open to those you've given access to.

How Do I Share My Private Album With Another Member On The Site?
You can use "SHARE MY PRIVATE ALBUM" when you open a conversation. All photos will need to be approved before they can be shared.

How Do I Update My Profile?
To update your profile, click "My profile" under your main photo icon in the upper right corner of the top bar.
To edit individual fields, click on the pencil icon next to the name of the field. Click on "Save" or "Submit" for Approval (depending on the section) when you're done.

How Do I Delete My Profile?
To disable or delete your profile, please go to "My Account" under the "SETTINGS" tab found under your main photo icon in the top navigation bar, supply your password, and then follow the steps by clicking: "Click here to disable or delete your account".
Note: After using the "Delete My Account" feature, your profile will be removed from the site and your profile will no longer be viewable. If you log in again within six months, your account will be automatically restored. If you do not log in again within six months, your information will be permanently deleted from our database except your success stories and other information that you posted in the common community.

How Do I Hide My Profile?
Please click on "SETTINGS" under your main photo icon in the upper right corner of the top bar after login.

How Do I Check My Chat History?
Go to "Messages" in the top navigation bar, select the user to view, and then your chat history will be displayed.

I Am A Standard Member. Do I Have To Become A Premium Member To Reply To Messages Sent By Others?
As a Standard Member, you can reply to messages initiated by other PREMIUM MEMBERS for free. You can reply to them on either our website, mobile site or app. But for winks, you can only wink back from their profiles, or you'll have to upgrade to a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP to start a real conversation.

I Am A Standard Member. Can I Initiate Sending Messages To Others?
No, as a Standard Member you cannot initiate sending messages. You’ll need to become a PREMIUM MEMBER to initiate sending messages.

What Is A Wink?
A wink is a quick, fun and flirty way to let someone know you're interested. Pick one of our witty canned responses from the list and send it to the member of your choice. The member gets the wink in their "Messages" and then can go to your profile and wink back if they want.
All users can send winks for free. If you'd like to take it a step further, you can upgrade to a PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP and send a premium wink or send a message to start a real conversation.

What Is Discover?
Discover allows you to specify the types of member profiles you want to see. You can conduct an unlimited number of searches by selecting the preferences and characteristics of your desired match. Start with gender, age and location. Then narrow your search with physical characteristics, lifestyle practices, and relationship desires. Play around and try a variety of searches. You never know where you'll find your perfect match!

Why Am I Not Getting Many Matches?
There are a number of ways to increase your number of matches. First make sure you have created a profile. Once you create your profile, our exclusive technology will compare your profile responses with those of other members to find the profiles that best match you. Already did that? The criteria in your profile may be too specific. Try to broaden your match criteria and search through profiles again.

Why Am I Not Getting Many Or Any Responses?
If you're not getting the responses you are hoping for, consider the following:
1. If you don't have a photo, add some quality photos. This is the fastest and easiest thing you can do to increase your responses. Statistics prove that profiles with photos are up to 20x more likely to receive attention than profiles without.
2. Add more about yourself to your profile so others can know you better. You can also verify your profile. This shows you are who you say you are!
3. We recommend making a lot of initial contacts. It may also help to expand your search criteria in order to find more prospective matches. Be sure and take advantage of the custom search features of the site and experiment with different search parameters. Being too picky will limit your results!

What Is A Blog?
A blog is short for "weblog". According to Webopedia, a blog is a web page that serves as a publicly accessible personal journal for an individual. Typically updated daily, blogs often reflect the personality of the author. A blog allows you to keep an online journal you share with others. You can add, edit, or delete posts and comments.

How Do Comments Work On The Blog Page?
Comments are posts that other people added to your personal blog.

How Can I Easily View All Comments On Blogs I'm Interested In?
You can add the blog to your favorites list. Then you can easily check the comments by clicking 'My favorite blogs' on the main blog page and never miss any entries.

Why Was My Post Denied?
The post content is reviewed before it is published to the site. If our service agreement is violated the posting will be denied. Examples of denied content include but are not limited to: personal ads, advertisements of products or services, and hate language. We also reserve the right to remove posts for any reason we see fit.

What Is My Blog Homepage?
You get your own blog homepage as a member of From your homepage, you can see all your posts, recent visitors, the most recent responses by others, and your responses to other members' blogs.

Blogging Advice
1. Check comments regularly. No need to reply to mean or embarrassing comments. You can delete them and block offensive users from commenting further.
2. Post often. Once you get members hooked on your blog, they’ll want to keep coming back for more.
3. Most people respond well to humor. Keep it light at first. Show them you are a fun person!
4. Connect with other bloggers. One of the most amazing things about the blogosphere is how it has created a tight-knit community that supports each other. Developing relationships with other bloggers will lead more people to your blog and give you a better sense of what appeals to members, which makes your blog even better!

Blog Guidelines
We want to give you the chance to be heard and make your point. We ask that you follow these guidelines.
1. Be nice. Think about others. People often say things on boards that they would be ashamed to say to someone face to face. Please treat other users with respect.
2. If we feel that comments are abusive, threatening, objectionable, obscene, defamatory or racist, they will be removed. There is no need to be offensive and not much point in writing posts that end up being removed. Any posts that are in breach of our guidelines are liable to be removed. People who repeatedly break the rules may be banned from the site.
3. Help keep the site on track. If you see posts that are questionable, please use the "report abuse" link to alert us.
4. Keep to the point. Posts that go off-topic or turn into personal conversations are liable to be deleted.
5. Do not post anything that seeks to exchange or solicit personal information or that is in breach of our guidelines. We encourage open, honest debate, but we also reserve the right to remove any post and to take appropriate action against those responsible if necessary.
Your opinions are very welcome but content that isn't your copyright is not, so please don't use other people's content to make your point.

What Does "Verify" Mean?
It means proving your identity by uploading a readable and clear copy of your ID (driver's license, State ID card, passport) or other related material. By verifying your information, you are showing members you are real and serious about finding a match. We do not disclose, sell or rent any personal, identifiable information to any third-party organizations. All information provided is kept confidential.

How Do I Unhide Members I Have Hidden?
If you need to unhide someone you have previously hidden, click on "Blocked / Hidden on "SETTINGS" and continue to click on the "HIDDEN MEMBERS" option. You'll be able to find all users you've hidden there.

How Do I Block Or Unblock A Member?
To block communication for a specific user, click the "..." button in the upper right corner of their profile and select "Block”.
You can also block a specific user on the message window by clicking the "MORE OPTIONS" in the upper right corner. You will no longer receive communication from this user. This user will also be blocked from viewing your profile and commenting on any blogs you've posted. When you block a member, the member will not be notified.
If you need to unblock someone you have previously blocked, please click on "SETTINGS" under your main photo icon in the upper right corner of the top bar. Next click "Blocked Members" in the left sidebar on the "SETTINGS" page. You'll be able to find all users you've blocked there.

What's The Difference Between Hiding And Blocking A Member?
Hide from search: This means you won't see this user in the search results page. They'll still be able to see your profile and be able to communicate with you though.
Block: You will no longer receive any communication from this user. This user will also be blocked from viewing your profile.

It Keeps Saying My Credit Card Is Invalid, But I Know That My Number Is Ok. What Do I Do?
The payment processing company has had difficulty processing your card. Please make sure that the billing address on our site is exactly the same as your card billing address. If it is, there may be something wrong with your card. Please ensure that all card data is correct, including the billing address, expiration date, card number and CVV. Try a different card if this didn't work.

Why Was I Renewed When I Already Removed My Account?
When paying by Google Play or the Apple App Store, please note that you'll also have to stop your subscription through Google and / or Apple. If you do not, you will continue being charged regardless of your account status on the app. If paying by credit card, we'll automatically cancel your subscription for you if you remove your account. If any billing problems arise, please contact us.

Why Was My Subscription Automatically Renewed And How Do I Turn Off Auto Subscription / Auto Billing / Auto Renewal?
In order for you to spend more time finding your match and less time paying bills, your subscription will be renewed for the same package length at the same price until you cancel it.
You can easily turn off the auto-renewal on the "Subscriptions" page after login or email us.
You can find the "Subscriptions" page by clicking on "Subscriptions" under "SETTINGS". Then hit the link "To cancel your subscription, click here", enter your password, and hit the "Continue Cancellation" button to stop the auto-renewal.
After you turn off your auto-renewal, you can still enjoy the privileges on our site as a PREMIUM MEMBER until your PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP ends. Afterwards, you'll continue to enjoy the benefits of our standard membership.

How Do I Cancel My Membership?
To cancel your subscription / auto-billing, after logging in, click "SETTINGS" under your main photo icon in the upper right corner of the top navigation bar, then click on "Subscriptions" in the left sidebar below "SETTINGS".
To disable / delete your profile, please go to "My Account" under "SETTINGS" under your main photo icon in the top navigation bar, then follow the steps by clicking "Click here to disable or delete your account".

What's A "Premium Member"?
A PREMIUM MEMBER has purchased full access to our site and is more serious about finding a relationship.

What Does A Standard Membership Allow Me To Do?
A Standard Membership allows you to upload photos and create a profile which will describe who you are as well as the kind of person / match that you're looking for. Other Standard Members and PREMIUM MEMBERS will be able to view your profile. You can send free winks to anyone whom you are interested in.
If you should receive a message from a PREMIUM MEMBER, you may reply back for free to that member. However, you may not initiate sending messages to other members. That privilege is reserved for PREMIUM MEMBERS.
As a Standard Member you may also search profiles for free. However, you are restricted to a basic search which includes the gender you are seeking, age range and region. Other specific search criteria are reserved for PREMIUM MEMBERS.

What Is Your Refund Policy?
You have the right to cancel your subscription without any penalty or obligation. For any full / prorated refund inquiries within a reasonable time frame or if you wish to make changes to your PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP, please contact our customer. Usually we deal with your requests within one business day.

A Note Regarding Fraudulent Transactions.
Filing a dispute for a legitimate charge is often illegal and punishable. Heavy fines may be levied against the business as well as the person making the claim. You may be added to a blacklist, possibly affecting future purchases and your credit rating. Before filing a dispute, please email us.

Can I Earn Some Money From Your Site?
Please check out our Affiliate Program for further information.

Tips On Online Dating Safety
1. Don't post personal information. Wait until you feel comfortable with an individual before telling them things like your phone number or place of work or address.
2. Never give out your bank account details or any other financial information. If you are approached by any members asking for these details, report them immediately.
3. Don't let anyone pressure you into giving away more information than you want to.
4. Beware of solicitation - watch out for anyone offering financial advice or asking for charitable contributions.
5. Even if you're arranging to meet someone, do not give out any unnecessary personal details such as your home address.
6. If you feel unsure or threatened by someone's behavior, stop communicating with them immediately. Visit their profiles and use the block button to prevent any further contact.

How Does "Flame" Work?
A quick and easy way to find interested matches, "Flame" shows you the photo of a potential match. You can like them, or you can skip them. When you are using "Flame", if you and another member both slide each other's photos into the "heart" pile, then we'll let both of you know by sending a notification email.
If either of you slide the photo to the "x" pile, then nothing happens - if you don't heart someone, it doesn't mean they're hidden from you forever.

How Secure Is My Personal And Financial Information?
As noted in our Privacy Policy and Service Terms, we take appropriate security measures to help safeguard your personal and financial Information from unauthorized access and disclosure.
We want you to feel confident using our website and when utilizing the services we offer our members and users. More details can be found in our Privacy Policy.

How Do I Capture An Image Of My Screen?
To help us troubleshoot and assess the issue, please take a screenshot of the entire page when the issue occurs. You may then include this file as an attachment in your email. To take a screenshot, simply do the following:
1. Press and hold down the "Alt" key on your keyboard. While holding down the "Alt" key, press the "Print Screen" key located just above the "Insert" key.
2. Click the Windows "Start" menu and select "Programs" then "Accessories" then "Paint".
3. Once the Microsoft Paint application is open, click the "Edit" menu then select "Paste". If you're prompted that the "image in the clipboard is larger than the bitmap", click the "Yes" button.
4. Click the "File" menu in the upper left-hand corner of the Paint application then select "Save As".
5. Enter a name for the "File name" field.
6. Choose "JPEG" as the "Save as type" option.
7. Save the file to a location like your desktop, then close the Paint application.
8. Attach the file to your email and include any other relevant information.

Why Does The Site Seem To Be Slow?
If you're having trouble with the speed of our site, it's usually one of three things:
1. SugarDaddySwiss may be experiencing some technical difficulties. Please try again later.
2. Your Internet connection might be poor. Double-check your network and try again.
3. Try using a different device to access our site. This helps you determine where the issue may be. If one of your devices works properly and the other doesn't, it's likely an issue on the device.

Scam Policy & Warning
We stringently enforce our Terms of Use and do not tolerate any violations. If you wish to report spam or complain about a certain member that is not adhering to our Terms of Use, please go to that profile and then click "..." in the upper right corner of the profile. Our customer care team will deal with the matter quickly and professionally.
If you come across a photo or profile that you feel should not be allowed on our site such as a scammer or fake profile, go to that profile, then click "..." in the upper right corner of the profile. Tap the "Report" button.
If you scam or spam our members, you will be held liable for damages to reserves the right to investigate and take appropriate legal action as its sole discretion against anyone scamming or spamming the website.

How Do I Report A Profile?
To report a specific profile, go to that profile and then click "..." in the upper right corner of the profile.
Or you can report a specific profile on the message window by clicking "..." in the upper right corner. Then choose the reason you are reporting the profile and click Submit.

What Does "The User Is Currently Unavailable" Mean?
When you see this note, it is usually because that member has chosen to take a break to pursue a relationship, or for other reasons has chosen to hide their profile.
Occasionally members are removed suddenly due to security violations. Unfortunately, the member may have an opportunity to send out a few Winks or Messages first, but we've gotten better at catching these situations very quickly.

What Is A Hidden Profile? Can I Still Send Them A Message Or A Wink?
A hidden profile is usually a member that has decided they don't want their profile to be seen for the time being, for various reasons. You can still send them a message.
You won't be able to view their profile or send them a wink, nor will you be able to like them.

How Many Winks Are Allowed To Be Sent Per Day?
Standard members who signed up for more than 3 days can send up to 30 winks per day.
Standard members who signed up for less than 3 days can send up to 20 winks per day.
Premium members can send unlimited winks per day.

How Does "Unsend Message" Work?
To unsend a message, move your mouse over the message or photo. You'll see an ellipsis pop up to the left. Hover your mouse over the ellipsis. Click "unsend" to unsend your message or photo.
You can unsend a message at any time and don't need the other user to approve. They will however be notified by receiving a note that "xxx unsent a message".

How Do I Sign Out?
To sign out of your account, move your cursor over your photo icon in the top navigation bar, and click on "Sign Out" in the dropdown menu that appears.
If you're using a shared or public PC, we recommend you clear the cache / cookies to protect your account.

How Do I Pay For A Membership?
We currently accept payments via:
1. Credit Card - Visa, Mastercard or American Express
2. Visa or Mastercard Check Card
3. CCBill
Credit Card and Check / Debit Card payments are made online using our secure server. Subscribe today for more details.

Double Billing Issues
Sometimes when you subscribe or when your subscription renews, you might see an additional transaction pending from Success SDM / Success*SDM / *SuccessMatch. It's usually due to authorization attempts made to your card, and how your financial institute handles those transactions. Don't worry though, they'll likely cancel once the real transaction has gone through. If you actually are double billed, don't worry - email us a screenshot or picture of the transactions and we'll look into it.

Can I Freeze Or Pause My Account For Some Time So That I Can Continue It Later?
At present, we do not allow freezing of your PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP. You can cancel your PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP by clicking "SETTINGS" under your main photo icon in the upper right corner of the top bar, then by hitting "Subscriptions" in the left sidebar on the "SETTINGS" page.

There Is No Name Or Verification Code On My Debit Card. How Do I Use It?
In order to use your debit card on our site, it must have both a name and verification code.

Can You Tell Me How The Charge Will Appear On My Billing Statement?
If you pay with a credit card, charge card, check card or debit card, the charge will appear as either of the following:
. Success SDM
. Success*SDM
If you pay through CCBill, it will show up as *SuccessMatch on your billing statement.

Why Can't I Make A Purchase Via Paypal?
Due to recent banking changes, we're no longer able to accept PayPal payments. You can renew your membership through other payment options though.
We accept credit cards, charge cards, check cards or debit cards, along with CCBill.

Phishing Scam Emails
Some members have advised us that they have received emails asking for "confirmation" of their usernames and passwords. Please do not respond to these types of emails. They are simply phishing scams designed to collect your confidential sign-in information and likely violate your privacy. SugarDaddySwiss will never send emails asking for personal or account information.
Suspicious emails should be forwarded to support.
If you have already responded to a phishing email with your sign-in information, please sign into your account immediately and change your password. If your sign-in information no longer works, contact us immediately.

Can I Search By Distance?
Please go to the "Discover > Search > Location" search filter, then choose Country / Area, State / Province, and City. Then use the distance adjustment bar below to set a preferable range. After you choose the City, the Distance option will be shown.
Upgrade to premium to unlock more distance search options.

What's A Pin And How Can I Pin A Message?
The "Pin" feature allows you to pin messages from people you like to the top of the chat list. It allows you to find messages from people you pin much faster!
The "Pin" feature is a premium feature. Only paid users can add a Pin.
How to Pin:
When chatting with someone on your PC, click the Pin in the upper right corner of the chat window to pin this user's message. Click again to cancel the pin.
When chatting with someone on your Mobile device, swipe left on the chat list page to add or cancel a Pin.

Why Wasn't My Verification Successful?
There can be many reasons why your verification is unsuccessful. Please make sure you are doing the following things to ensure a successful verification:
1. Make sure that the person in your profile and on your identification are the same.
2. Please ensure that the identification you send is clear, not blurry or covered.
3. Only submit identification that is valid and not expired.
4. Your photo verification will be canceled if you delete all public photos.
For further information, please email

How To Cancel Auto-Renewal On The Pc Site?
You can easily turn off the auto-renewal on the "Subscriptions" page after login or email us. Please click on "SETTINGS" under your main photo icon in the upper right corner of the top bar. You can find the "Subscriptions" page by clicking on "Subscriptions" under "SETTINGS". Then hit the link "Your membership will automatically renew until you cancel your subscription by clicking here", and hit the "CONTINUE MANAGEMENT" item to stop the auto-renewal.
After you turn off your auto-renewal, you can still enjoy the privileges on our site as a PREMIUM MEMBER until your PREMIUM MEMBERSHIP ends. Afterward, you'll continue to enjoy the benefits of our standard membership.

What Does The Green Dot And Green Circle Mean?
A green dot indicates that a member is online. A green circle indicates the member is online recently.

What Does The White Tick Mark Inside A Blue Circle Mean?
It means the user has verified their profile by photo.

Why Is My Photo Pending Again?
After you add a caption or modify an existing caption on any photo, or when you reset your main photo, the photo will need to go through the approval process once more.
How Do I Change My Age?
To change the age on your profile due to input errors, the company will execute the operation after you provide age-related proof.

How Long Will the Verification Process Take?
The verification process typically takes one working day. PREMIUM members can instantly begin connecting with other members.

How Can I Unhide My Hidden Messages?
To access your hidden messages in the "MESSAGES" tab, go to the "SETTINGS" section and choose "BLOCKED AND HIDDEN." From there, find the "HIDDEN CONVERSATIONS" tab and click the "UNHIDE" link. This will restore any messages you've previously hidden in the chat window.

How Do I Verify My Main Photo?
To verify your photo, simply click the "Verifications" icon on the top right navigation bar to reach the verification page, hit the "Verifications & Certificates" button, then click 'PHOTO' and click 'GET VERIFIED BY VIDEO SELFIE ON MOBILE' or GET YOUR PHOTO VERIFIED BY ID ON MOBILE' to start video verification or ID verification.
When you start video verification or by ID, you need to copy the correct gesture to verify, or it will be rejected. Upload a clear copy of your government-issued ID such as a Driver's License, State ID card, or Passport.
No unofficial or expired IDs will be accepted. We will review to ensure your ID or selfie matches the person in your profile photos, and your verification will be confirmed or rejected within 24 hours.